My Hurricane Sock Party 2007 Package

First and foremost…a great big THANK YOU!! to Cassi you rock!!!

This is what the mailman brought to my house on Saturday…man oh man, was my dog going off when he came to the door. Sometimes she works better than a doorbell…*giggle*

And here are all the goodies that were inside of that big ol box…

As far as yummies go…GIRL YOU ROCK!!! Mesquite BBQ Pringles (almost gone), Starburst (just opened them), and Twix PB’s (gone…the girls scarfed them)

Yarn? Oh yes, there is yarn. Gloss in Concord Grape (for my sock) which by the way…I almost bought this magazine earlier this week just for the pattern you used on my sock…LOVE IT!!! A skein of Tomas Tilley 60% silk yarn…YUM!!!, and 2 skeins of Cherry Tree Hill one in the Earth colorway and the other is nameless as of yet…but I’ll find the name out soon enough. And then I got the mag I almost bought myself…Interweave Knits and a Vogue Knitting Socks book.

Here is a closer look at the cuff pattern…

And here is my fat foot…sportin’ the goods…hee hee!!!

I love everything about this package. Couldn’t ask for anything more EVER!!! Thank you soooooo much Cassi!!! I love it all!

C-ya, Dreem

If you have a weak stomach please do not look…

This is how my Tuesday afternoon went…

(phone rings at work and I answer)

me: Blah Blah Company…can I help you?

The ex: Meet me at Childrens Hospital…Elizabeth needs stitches!

me: WHAT !?!?!?!

The ex: Yeah, she got hit above the eye with a hard plastic egg or something.

me: Ummm, ok…a plastic egg can cause someone to need stitches…?

The ex: I’m headed there right now…just meet me!

me: On my way! See you there!

and this is the lovely site I get greeted with by my 9 year old…

Ok, now blogger world…this gash on her eyebrow line was DEEP and huge (to me). Poor thing! I guess she was in the pool at her dads. She was under water and when she came up for air she got hit with some kind of hard plastic egg (not from easter) that her fathers girlfriends boys and their friends decided to fill with water and throw around. OUCH!!!

9 stitches later…

This is what she looked like. By the way, that is James. He was awesome!!! He talked my baby girl through the whole thing and put the numbing creme on it and then stitched her right up. 1 internal and 8 external dissolvable stitches. A total of 9 stitches for a 9 year old. I’m proud of Elizabeth…she handled it like a pro! Way to go!!!

Ok, now back to sleep since I’m up at 3 a.m. blogging about this..Hee hee!



Today when I got home, I discovered the mailman had brought me goodies! YAY!!! I love me some goodies…and when I opened the package this is what was inside (minus 2 rolls of starburst…YUM!)

I got a cute little card, measureing tape, a neat little notebook, US2 DPN’s, an awesome go knit pouch, a stitch marker, and KOIGU KPPPM and 1 knit sock.

Yes, blog world…you heard right…I get to FINALLY knit with koigu!!! I am so excited! I have been eyeball’n this stuff for the longest time and now I get the honor of knitting it up. YAY! Deb, you rock!!! Thanks for an awesome package!

Here are a few other pics for close ups and such…

This is the Aran Braided Sock pattern from Knit Picks

C-ya, Dreem

A bit of an update….

Ok, on Tuesday I planted some FREE hosta plants and here they are…

Now I just have to find some more to put into the empty spots…there are a couple of elephant ears inbetween the groups of hostas, so I’ll have to see how they turn out this year.

In knitting news I have completed the and will be mailing this weekend hopefully the Sock Hop Sock Swap package. I am very impressed on how well this sock turned out. I really like it! Now let’s hope she likes it to. *smiles*

C-ya, Dreem