2012 Almost Over

Words cannot express just how much of a whirlwind this year has been.  Just like every year, it’s had its ups and downs.  More ups than downs thankfully.  I have 2 awesome kids and 1 crazy awesome mom!  I don’t know where I would be without the 3 of them.  This is Renae’s senior year in high school and it’s just zooming by.  And it’s hard to believe that my high school freshman, Elizabeth is just days away from turning 15 yrs old.

When I started this blog, what feels like so many years ago, it was mainly about knitting.  Knitting is something I learned from a dear friend that has many talents that she has shared with me through the years.  It was something that took me out of my stressful mind (at the time) and gave me relaxation.  And as my confidence in knitting increased, so did the diffuculty of the project.  After all…it’s just yarn.  Right?  If I didn’t like the look of it, I just ripped it out and started all over.  It’s part of the beauty of knitting 🙂 

It’s been almost 3 years since I have dedicated myself to my knitting.  Yes, sad…I know.  But who would of imagined that having high school daughters would be so involved?  Not me!  I thought I was doing the right thing by occupy my mind with knitting as a way to keep me busy because they would always be gone at school doing something.  Not only are my girls involved in the school, so am I.  I have band kids.  And I am very active in the boosters organization.  I would of never imagined in my lifetime that I would of been voted into an officers position, let alone carry the title of Treasurer.  This year we (the band) get the honor of traveling to Disney in March 2013.  The kids will be marching in the electric light parade.  I’ve never been, so this will be an exciting experience.  And the fact that there’s a great group of chaperones going, will make for a fun trip on the bus.

In other news…  I was laid off from my job of 19 years on November 16th, 2012.  That same day, I was given some information and 2 interviews later I was hired December 17th, 2012 at my new job.  I’m in the same industry, doing alot of the same things I was doing before.  The people are great!  As is everything else!!!  Life is great and I couldn’t be happier.  Bring on the new year!!! 🙂