Slow and Steady

So progress is being made at the house. I now have a new, shorter, water heater and my gas has been turned on. Now I have a 2 year old, tall water heater to get rid of, and have to repair the gas line on my furnace before I’m allowed to use it.

I still haven’t received my gift from the government, or the checks to pay my contractor or get my appliances. So for now, I’m paying for a house I can’t live in. Booooo!

Since I now have hot water though, I’ll be able to start washing the walls down and spackling. Along with scrubbing the basement floor since my mom ripped up all of the nasty carpet down there. The previous owners had a dog, a dog that liked to do things on carpet that OBVIOUSLY never got cleaned up correctly. Let’s just say…vacuuming the carpet, brought out the true reason why it’s essential to potty train your animals! Whew! Since most of my plans for this house are on hold due to money shortages. I have the laminate flooring for the basement, but would like to lay a sub floor to safely ventilate the floor so I don’t have mold issues later. I need to paint every room in the house, and would like to get a nice mahogany colored wood laminate for the kitchen and living room since they are the high traffic areas in the house. I also would like to replace the heating and cooling system and get new kitchen cabinets.

Yes, I dream big! Some of my wish list is a distance away, but I WILL get it done!

No pictures for now and obviously no knitting. I miss my yarn terribly! But it’s for the best. Plus it’s something to look forward to. Knitting in my house for the first time ever will be a very cherished moment for sure.

G’night 🙂

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Abby
    Aug 14, 2010 @ 17:44:49

    omg that sounds like so much work! Maybe I will live in apartments for the rest of my life!!! lol


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